

Install FireFox on Docker

Author: Peppermint Tail

FireFox is an open-source web browser, let's install it.
First, we need a Docker environment. To install the Docker environment, please refer to Install Docker on Linux.

Of course, because we are VNC-ing to the server to use the server's web browser, if you are using a foreign server, you might even... Ahem! Stop!

1. Install using Docker CE#
docker run -d \
  --name FireFox \
  --network host \
  -e TZ=Asia/Shanghai \
  -e VNC_PASSWORD=wg122100 \
  -e DISPLAY_WIDTH=1920 \
  -e DISPLAY_HEIGHT=1080 \
  -v /root/docker/firefox:/config:rw \

VNC_PASSWORD= is the VNC connection password, for security reasons, please be sure to change it
WEB_LISTENING_PORT= is the Web VNC port number, you can customize it

More environment variables:

Now, open a browser and enter {server IP}:15800 to access (don't forget to open the firewall).

2. Chinese garbled characters issue#

Downloading Chinese fonts can solve this issue. You can find Chinese fonts online or use the Source Han Sans font provided on this site.
Then, import the font into the specified directory inside the container (re-importing is needed when rebuilding the container).

docker cp SourceHanSansSC-Normal.otf FireFox:/usr/share/fonts

If using a different font, simply replace SourceHanSansSC-Normal.otf.

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